Full Trifecta: 3 Dommes, 1 Toilet
3 dommes have you locked in a cage. Bound in chains, cuffs, gagged with a funnel for the forbidden champagne, it’s time for the ultimate cruelty; a merciless DOUBLE LOAD FEEDING aides by some cocks.
We do as we want with our toilets. We don’t know mercy, and we give none. Chew and swallow is the only life for a toilet.
Locked in a cage. Bound in chains, cuffs, gagged with a funnel. No food, no drink… if not from our bodies! No escape allowed as we feed you our golden through the funnel gag. You must dink everything we release in your mouth.
The forbidden champagne in your throat as you gasp for air chokking on the gag – only for your cries to be met with a trio of laughters.
Jayne Doe joyfully fill you cup up generously. Lethal Lady V tauntingly unleashed all her champagne in your throat. Mistress Mystique rain a torrent of golden all over you in the cage.
You cower cold and humiliated. Cruel and taunting, Mistress Mystique further your humiliation with painful pokes from her whipping cane, making you lick every drop of golden champagne from the floor of your cage.
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Following Files are included when you purchase:
- Video Length :
- 26:22s
- Resolution :
- 1280x720
- File Format :
- mp4
- Video File Size :
- 778 MB

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