219 videos 0 shippables

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Dirty Hotwife Allura, more than just a MILF My story began 10 years ago when I met my husband- a true and utter pig at heart. He helped me to see the beauty in scat play along with other fetishes: watersports and fisting to name a few! We had been posting online previously and many called us the Amateur American Scat Couple. Our sole purpose of sharing with you is to truly show the intimate and beautiful part of our bond that we can open share with those who understand and appreciate how scat play looks, feels, smells, tastes!

Hotwife Allura's Videos

Showing 1–16 of 219 results


Shitting on his toothbrush

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Pig eats my shit then fistfucks...

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Camel toe after shitting myself

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Shitty dildo anal and tasting

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Jean Shorts Poop Fill up

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Horny Masturbation before...

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Slut smear masturbation

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Fill my pussy with shit, his...

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Scat smear enema slut

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Massive dildo ride makes me...

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Shitting during sex

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Horse size Gigantic dildo...

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Jogging break to shit outdoors

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Orgasmic panty poop

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Dirty anal in my bed after...

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Shit smearing slut

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