You like my feet, slave? You wanna taste? Well, not until I try them myself 😉 I lick my feet and tease you about how stinky they are, can you smell them? You wanna worship them, too? Alright, take a quick lick–that’s enough! To be truthful, I have something even TASTIER for you tonight 😉
I shit a big messy load on the floor and tell you how you’re going to eat it–by first, sucking it off my toes. Suck my shit-smeared feet clean, shit lover! Worship my crap-caked feet! You’re allowed to jerk off as you eat my shit… but be a good slave and take a handful and smear it all over your own face first, slave, before you suck the rest of the poop off my cute feet first–then slurp up the rest of your meal! I want this place SPOTLESS from your tongue!
Following Files are included when you purchase:
- Video Length :
- 10:52s
- Resolution :
- 1920x1080
- File Format :
- mp4
- Video File Size :
- 698 MB

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